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G9TB-K1ATW-E DC12 数据手册
G9TB AC Power Latching Relay 120 A Compact and high power latching relay • High power switching: 120 A, 276 VAC • Compact size: 37 mm × 43 mm × 22 mm • Low temperature-rise • High overcurrent capability, conforming to IEC62055-31 UC3 RoHS Compliant Model Number Structure Application Examples • Smart Meter • PV Inverter G9TB- 1 A  - E 12 3 4 5 2. Number of poles 1: 1-Pole 4. Terminal shape TH: M8 securing screw TW: Welding terminals 5. Classification E: High capacity 3. Contact Form A: SPST-NO G9TB 1. Relay Function U: Single-winding latching K: Double-winding latching • Lighting control • EV Charger Ordering Information Classification Contact Form Single coil SPST-NO Double coils Terminal Shape M8 securing screw Welding terminals M8 securing screw Welding terminals Enclosure rating Flux protection Model G9TB-U1ATH-E G9TB-U1ATW-E G9TB-K1ATH-E G9TB-K1ATW-E Rated coil voltage Minimum packing unit 12 VDC 25 pcs/tray 12 VDC Note. When ordering, add the rated coil voltage to the model number. Example: G9TB-U1ATH-E DC12 Rated coil voltage However, the notation of the coil voltage on the product case as well as on the packing will be marked as[][] VDC. Ratings  Coil Single-winding Latching Type Item Rated Voltage DC Must set voltage Rated current (mA) Coil resistance (Ω) 225 53.3 80% max. Rated current (mA) Coil resistance (Ω) Must set voltage Set coil 451 Set coil 26.6 (V) 12 Must reset voltage % of rated voltage 80% max. Max. voltage Power consumption 110% max. Set coil (W) Reset coil (W) Approx. 2.7 Max. voltage Power consumption Double-winding Latching Type Item Rated Voltage DC (V) 12 Reset coil 451 Reset coil 26.6 80% max. Must reset voltage % of rated voltage 80% max. 110% max. Set coil (W) Approx. 5.4 Reset coil (W) Approx. 5.4 Note 1. The rated current and coil resistance were measured at a coil temperature of 23°C with tolerances of ± 10%. Note 2. The operating characteristics are measured at a coil temperature of 23°C. Note 3. The maximum permissible voltage is the maximum value of the fluctuation range for the Relay coil operating power supply and was measured at an ambient temperature of 23°C.  Contacts Item Contact type Contact material Rated load Rated carry current Max. switching voltage Max. switching current Model Load G9TB-U1A -E/G9TB-K1A -E Resistive load Inductive load (PF=0.5) SPST-NO Ag Alloy 120 A at 276 VAC 100 A at 276 VAC 120 A 276 VAC 120 A 100 A 1 G9TB AC Power Latching Relay Characteristics Item G9TB-U1A -E 0.4 mΩ max. Set time *2 25 ms max. 20 ms max. Reset time *2 25 ms max. 20 ms max. Minimum pulse width 100 ms Maximum pulse width 1,000 ms Insulation resistance *3 Dielectric strength Impulse withstand voltage Vibration resistance Shock resistance 1,000 MΩ min. Between coil and contacts 4,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min Between contacts of the same polarity 2,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min Between coil and contacts 8 kV Destruction 10 to 55 to 10 Hz, 0.75 mm single amplitude (1.5 mm double amplitude) Malfunction 10 to 55 to 10 Hz, 0.75 mm single amplitude (1.5 mm double amplitude) Destruction 1,000 m/s2 Malfunction 100 m/s2 Mechanical Durability G9TB G9TB-K1A -E Contact resistance *1 100,000 operations min. (at 7,200 operations/h) 10,000 operations typical, resistive load 120 A, 276 VAC (operation: ON for 10 sec, OFF for 20 sec) Electrical *4 5,000 operations, resistive load 100 A, 276 VAC and then 5,000 operations, inductive load (PF=0.5) 100 A, 276 VAC (operation: ON for 10 sec, OFF for 20 sec) *5 Ambient operating temperature -40 to 85°C (with no icing or condensation) Ambient operating humidity 5 to 85% Weight Approx. 70 g Note. The values given above are initial values. *1. Measurement conditions: 24 VDC, 1 A, voltage drop method. *2. Measurement conditions: Rated operating voltage applied, not including contact bounce. Ambient temperature: 23°C *3. Measurement conditions: The insulation resistance was measured with a 500 VDC megohm meter at the same locations as the dielectric strength was measured. *4. Contact your OMRON sales representative for Electrical Durability technical data. *5. The characteristic meets IEC62055-31 test requirement. 2 G9TB AC Power Latching Relay Dimensions (Unit: mm) G9TB-U1ATH-E 43.5 max. 35 4 Two, @0.64±0.05 4 22.5 max. Terminal arrangement/Internal Connections (TOP VIEW) 10±0.2 4 R S 37.5 max. - 3 30 21.6 1 2 3 14 7 7 3.5 3 14 Check carefully the coil polarity of the Relay. Two, 2.1 dia. (HOLE) 3.5 Two, 8.5 dia. (HOLE) 11.5 9.5 16.5 16.5 27 2 6.55 11.55 13.3 13.3 18.95 2 43.5 max. 35 4 Two, @0.64±0.05 4 22.5 max. G9TB G9TB-U1ATW-E Terminal arrangement/Internal Connections (TOP VIEW) 4 - R S - 3 10±0.2 37.5 max. 30 21.6 3.5 12 2 1 Check carefully the coil polarity of the Relay. Two, 2.1 dia. (HOLE) 2.5 10 10 16 18.95 10.8 2.75 2 2 G9TB-K1ATH-E 43.5 max. 35 4 4 Three, @0.64±0.05 22.5 max. Terminal arrangement/Internal Connections (TOP VIEW) 10±0.2 37.5 max. - 5 S 4 R - 3 5±0.1 30 21.6 1 2 3 14 7 7 3.5 Two, 8.5 dia. (HOLE) 9.5 16.5 3.5 14 3 Two, 2.1 dia. (HOLE) Check carefully the coil polarity of the Relay. 11.5 16.5 27 2 11.55 13.3 6.55 13.3 18.95 2 3 G9TB AC Power Latching Relay G9TB-K1ATW-E 22.5 max. 43.5 max. 35 4 Three, @0.64±0.05 4 Terminal arrangement/Internal Connections (TOP VIEW) 10±0.2 - 5 S 4 R - 3 37.5 max. 5±0.1 30 21.6 1 3.5 12 2 Check carefully the coil polarity of the Relay. Two, 2.1 dia. (HOLE) 2.5 10 10 16 18.95 10.8 2.75 2 2 Engineering Data 1000 AC Resistive Load 120 100 1000 AC Inductive Load (PF=0.5) 100 10 10 1 1 1 4 Switching current (A)  Maximum Switching Capacity G9TB-U1A -E G9TB-K1A -E Switching current (A) G9TB Note 1. Relay is delivered as "set" status unless specified otherwise. However, the status may change due to the shock from transportation or mounting operations. Therefore, it is recommended the relay should be set to the expected status via a power supply before being used. Note 2. In order to maintain "set" or "reset" status, the energizing voltage to coil & the pulse width shouldn't lower then the rated value. Note 3. Do not energize both of set and reset coil simultaneously. Note 4. Energizing time longer than 1,000 ms should be avoided. 10 276 100 1000 Switching voltage(V) 1 10 100 276 1000 Switching voltage(V) G9TB AC Power Latching Relay Safety Precautions • Please refer to "PCB Relays Common Precautions" for correct use. Correct Use Installation • The relay contacts are polarized. Incorrect wiring may cause a failure to break the circuit. Wire the Relay with care. • Install the Relays in locations that are as dry as possible and have as little dust, dirt, and harmful gas. • Using the Relay under high temperature, high humidity, or harmful gas may deteriorate its performance characteristics due to condensation or corrosive materials, resulting in failure or burn damage to the Relay. Relay Service Life • The electrical durability of these Relays is specified as the number of load switching operations under a resistive load and OMRON-specified standard testing conditions. The coil drive circuit, ambient environment, switching frequency, or load conditions (e.g., inductive load or capacitor load) may reduce the service life and possibly lead to failure to break. Always confirm the service life in the actual equipment. Wiring Be sure to tighten all screws to the appropriate torque given below. Loose screws may result in burning due to abnormal heat generation during energization. M8 screws : 8.82 to 9.80 N·m Use a spring washer in order to prevent deformation and it from loosening. Allow suitable slack on leads when wiring, and do not apply excessive force to the terminals. G9TB • • • • • • Application examples provided in this document are for reference only. In actual applications, confirm equipment functions and safety before using the product. • Consult your OMRON representative before using the product under conditions which are not described in the manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems or equipment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used improperly. Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product provide a margin of safety for the system or equipment, and be sure to provide the system or equipment with double safety mechanisms. Note: Do not use this document to operate the Unit. OMRON Corporation Electronic and Mechanical Components Company Contact: www.omron.com/ecb Cat. No. J221-E1-01 0318(0318)(O) 5
G9TB-K1ATW-E DC12 价格&库存

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    •  国内价格
    • 10+132.32177
    • 25+121.80613


    G9TB-K1ATW-E DC12


    G9TB-K1ATW-E DC12
    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+136.274551+16.50318
    • 10+129.7977810+15.71883
    • 25+113.0722125+13.69332
    • 50+108.2258850+13.10642
    • 100+107.22031100+12.98464
